Tuesday 6 April 2010

Elizabeth Pisani: Sex, drugs and HIV -- let's get rational | Video on TED.com

Elizabeth Pisani: Sex, drugs and HIV -- let's get rational | Video on TED.com


  1. Wow... Someone who knows how to make Public Health interesting!!! What she said is so true... what may seem to be irrational decisions are in fact... very rational. Really made me think twice! Thanks for this!

  2. WOW, Very good Presentation. Thank you to make it so easy to understand.
    little about it.

    In MSM case, it's not all about condoms anyways. its about how we appreciate our self as human being, and just be proud as who we are. Sex in MSM life is like we having lunch on highway. take it and leave it. and why we have to do that? if somehow, we know we need more than just rolling and jumping on the bed.

    what about share? what about commitment?

    Being Rational is not that easy, but lets start buy just think it twice b4 we do everything and make us gonna regret it.

  3. just found this video on "This is Oz" website and thought I would share... Hope you like...

